Change of name FAQs
There are several reasons one may want to change his/her name.
• Some do so to become more fashionable
• By reason of marriage or divorce,
• Professional reasons, etc.
As long as the reason for the desire to change one’s name is not illegal, one can change his name using the procedure outlined below.
For any individual to legally change his/her name in Nigeria, such a person must have the following qualifications,
• The person must be above 18 years of age.
• Minors cannot legally change their name, unless the parent or guardian of the minor applies for the name change.
• The person must not be bankrupt or having financial liability or a criminal liability being taken against them.
• The applicant must be Nigerian citizen
A. If the reason for change of name is by marriage or divorce
1. Sworn Affidavit of Change of Name:- The affidavit should say that you have changed from your old name and wish to be known by your new name, and you show your affidavit anywhere you want to present any documentation in your old name. The affidavit is a statutory declaration recording your intention to abandon your old name and adopt a new one.
2. Publication that you have made the name change:- You need to announce publicly that you have made the name change. This can be done by publishing your new name in at least one recognised national daily newspaper
3. Official gazette:- You should then get your name printed in Nigeria’s official gazette. This is done by sending an application to the documentation Department of Publication, Civil registry, requesting them to publish the above advertisement for change of your name. You should attach the following documents when submitting the request for your names to be published.
4. Marriage / Divorce Certificate:- The certificate should be legally accepted
B. If the reason for change of name is other than by marriage or divorce
1. In addition to 1, 2 & 3 if the reason for change of name is by marriage as stated above,
2. Deed Poll at your Local Government Registry for Birth and Death is required